
The first official music video for one of Periphery’s two forthcoming albums is here. Unsurprisingly, “Alpha” is a song off of the disc Juggernaut: Alpha (not to be confused with its counterpart – you guessed it – Juggernaut: Omega). The video centers around a man reliving his life through a video game while confined to his home, which forces him to recount the negative events in his life that led him to where he finds himself in the present moment. The video plays on the narrative style that the double album release is promised to deliver, as its subject struggles to discover and solve the problems that he found himself facing. There is also a moment which seems to play on the dichotomous theme of Periphery deciding to release this project on two separate albums.

Check the video out for yourself and see what you think. Both Juggernaut: Alpha and Juggernaut: Omega are out today, January 27. Coincidentally, we noticed that the “Alpha” is the second metal video in as many days to feature the imagery of seemingly infinite identical suburban homes…

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