
According to all reports, especially Rolling Stone‘s, the reunion of Glenn Danzig with Jerry Only and Doyle von Frankenstein as The Original Misfits was a joyous affair. Video footage shows thousands of punks singing with just as much abandon as the band, and everyone onstage seeing to have perhaps an even better time than those in the crowd. A separate profile from the magazine with Only and Doyle finds the band not only talking about their next performance, which is their last scheduled one, but also future performances and perhaps even an album.

When you think of Misfits, “happy” isn’t the first word that comes to mind. Danzig tries to remain  as tough as possible at all times (most, anyway). Then you get the ’50s-influenced horror punk of Jerry Only and Doyle von Frankenstein that’s campy, but not super happy. However, the band seemed ecstatic in the interview afterwards, with Doyle complaining a bit about his sound, but Only smiling and recalling the show. Only, who’d been singing after Danzig and Michale Graves left, says it’s a natural fit to have Glenn singing again:

There was always that hole. When Glenn split, there was always that feeling we were missing a component of what makes us what we are. And I’m sure the same goes on for him. In the other bands he was in, he’s changed people left and right. When we play together, it’s just us.

He also spoke about working with Dave Lombardo, suggesting that he’s still a work in progress:

Obviously there’s a little transitional period for Dave coming from a thrash-metal background with Slayer or even Suicidal Tendencies. Dave is molding into this Fifties atomic-punk band. He needs to learn the fine elements of our songs. When he gets that, we’ll be good. Doyle was happy with him today.

That could even lead to a new album, even though it’s ultimately Glenn’s call, Only says.

I think it’s got to evolve naturally. The thing is we’ve tried to plan things and then we stand there and wait and as it comes we’ll just do it. When we go back – I don’t know about Glenn – but I canceled our touring and everything for this so I’m going to go home and write and lift.

The whole interview is pretty interesting. Only says that the only reason they didn’t play “Attitude” was because Guns N’ Roses have been playing it. He also mentions the possibility of New York and Los Angeles shows. We’ll see if that happens, but you can read the article here. Would a new Misfits album with Glenn Danzig be any good? Well, it’d have to be better than Glenn’s covers album, and would probably be better than any recent Misfts album. But that’s not saying much at all.