Season 4 of Stranger Things is the long awaited continuation of a story that has captivated millions. The dark horror theme evokes a world where many heavy metal fans would feel right at home. This year we meet Hawkins’ “King of the Metalheads,” and leader of the town’s infamous Hellfire Club, Eddie Munson.

Munson is seen wearing a denim Jacket adorned with a huge Dio patch on the back panel.

The patch was actually donated to the creators for use in the show by the Ronnie James Dio estate.

Wendy Dio assured that Ronnie would’ve loved seeing his group acknowledged in the show.

In an interview, Ronnie’s widow, Wendy Dio, had this to say about the show’s tribute to her late husband:

“What happened was, originally, this was before the pandemic hit. So this was like two, two-and-a-half years ago. They contacted me because I had to sign the license, because you can’t just use a Dio product without a license,”

As a result, she sent the show creators actual vintage pieces from her husband’s estate — including the patch that appears on Munson’s jacket, which you can see an image of below.

“They were very happy and they were very thankful, and they sent me a bunch of Stranger Things stuff, so it was really wonderful. I was so happy because then I didn’t see or hear about anything, and I thought, ‘Oh, I guess they didn’t use it.’ And then suddenly now, after the pandemic, I saw it and I was like, ‘Oh my god this is so wonderful, I’m so happy about it.’ Ronnie would’ve been so… he would’ve loved that.”

“Dio is happening right now, I’m so glad,” Wendy continued. “The younger kids’ generation, I think it’s the first time in history where the kids are listening to their parents’ music.”

Wendy and company will also be holding a special celebration in July to commemorate what would’ve been the late vocalist’s 80th birthday.

See Dio’s Instagram post below.