Nick-PapantoniouMetalheads have always had to deal with society’s misjudgment of our character, with some thinking all of them are dangerous psychos Sadly, there are some who actually fit this description, which doesn’t really help with that misconception, like Hatebreed’s former drummer Nicholas Papantoniou who was recently found guilty of murder.

Back in 2014, Papantoniou was arrested over several charges including burglary, criminal possession of a firearm and the murder of a 56 year-old man Larry Dildy after inflicting two gunshots, one on his stomach and one on his genitals, over an alleged $400 debt. During his testimony near the end of his trial, He claimed the gun went off accidentally during a struggle and that he found out Dildy died after seeing it on the news.

Papantoniou, who played with Hatebreed between 1996 and 1997, was found guilty and is now facing a sentence of up to 90 years in prison which will be known in May 27th. This isn’t the first time Papantoniou he’s been charged of a crime as he was previously convicted on drug, weapon and assault charges, among others.


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Alix Vallecillo
Black Metal enthusiast from Los Angeles who thought was a good idea to grab a camera and shoot underground shows for the hell of it. Pseudo-writer with little to no expectations of ever winning a Pulitzer but totally down to write about your unknown band if it's good to my ears. I enjoy long walks on the beach, deep conversation, holding hands and attending Satanic music shows every now and then.