Heard of British grindcore band Raised by Owls? We hadn’t either until the other day, when their instantly shareable video for “Ross Kemp on Gang Bangs” came to our attention. Essentially, a two-minute meme, it even has  a text box around the video. “When You See A Fellow Metalhead In Public” makes for a hilarious look at the metal brotherhood .

In the clip, a rancom encounter at a supermarket between two metalheads wearing Napalm Death and Iron Maiden shirts turns into a bromance with the two frolicking around a field, feeding each other fruit on a picnic and sharing a tandem bike. The video snaps back into reality, the two compliment each other on their shirts, and they go on their way. It’s basically made for social media, and at two minutes long is about twice as long as the actual song, but with hardly anyone buying records any more, they’lll probably make money off the song from YouTube. Check it below: