robdanzigAn explosion of heavy metal horror erupted in Canada over the weekend when Rob Zombie assisted Danzig and Doyle in a cover of The Misfits’ “Vampira” live in Montreal.

The boys belted out The Misfits song during an impromptu stage meeting at the Heavy MTL festival Sunday. Luckily, a fan documented the  performance on video, seen below.

The Misfits song was released in 1982 on the band’s album, Walk Among Us, but still brings rebellious forces together in harmony. Doyle, who is the younger brother of Misfits’ bassist Jerry Only, was originally a roadie for his sibling’s band but later joined as their third guitarist after Glenn Danzig allegedly taught him how to play.

Zombie obviously shares the veterans’ appreciation for musical horror, also including the band on the soundtrack for his remake of Halloween in 2007. Based on the performance and Tweets after the show, he clearly gets a rush being in their presence.

Check the collaboration out here: 
