Following the release of their 15th album, Napalm Death has posted a new music video for “How The Years Condemn,” from their latest album, Apex Predator – Easy Meat. The song came out back in January but now gets an animated video treatment. The clip was directed by Costin Chioreanu, who also did the At the Gates video for “Heroes And Tombs.”

Said vocalist Mark ‘Barney’ Greenway on the new clip:

“Subject-wise I think this is one of the more open-ended of the tracks that we have in the sense that everybody has their own ideas toward living a vibrant and fulfilling life. To me, Costin expertly captured some elements that can be detrimental to that and keep us in a bubble: becoming progressively stupefied by television / mass media… leaving unnecessary burdens upon another person sharing life with us… only seeing an altered perspective through the bottom of a bottle or suchlike. Don’t misunderstand, this is not an anti-alcohol / intoxicant song – as some might conclude – but more to understand that any form of stimulant that controls us rather us controlling it (from TV to drugs and many things in between) really can impair and reduce the quality of life that is possible for our finite time on earth.”

Apex Predator – Easy Meat was released earlier this year, debuting at #94 on the Billboard Charts here in the US.


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Seth Werkheiser