panteraWhen someone goes through the effort of mashing up a metal song into another completely different style and does it right, it deserves some sort of credit. We’re already familiar with some of our favorite YouTubers like Rob Scallon doing every cover he can in a banjo or Steve ‘N’ Seagulls bluegrassing everything they find but we should do something different, like reggae.

Producer and super bored dude Andy Rehfeldt has too much time on his hands and decided to turn Pantera’s famous track “Walk” into a reggae jam and it’s hilarious how much sense it makes. We’ve seen some of his work with this jazz version of Korn’s “Falling Away from Me” but Rehfeldt also has talents in the reggae world, which you can watch below.

If you thought that was good, wait to see his ska version of Ozzy Osbourne or this Disney radio version of Suffocation’s “Pierced from Within.”

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Alix Vallecillo
Black Metal enthusiast from Los Angeles who thought was a good idea to grab a camera and shoot underground shows for the hell of it. Pseudo-writer with little to no expectations of ever winning a Pulitzer but totally down to write about your unknown band if it's good to my ears. I enjoy long walks on the beach, deep conversation, holding hands and attending Satanic music shows every now and then.