While the song has been available to stream, Gojira have shared the official video of their historic performance at the Paris Summer Olympics opening ceremony, where they became the first metal band to play at the Olympics. The July performance of “Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!),” composed with Victor Le Masne and featuring mezzo-soprano Marina Viotti, was staged dramatically on the side of the Conciergerie Palace in Paris.

The performance, blending metal with French revolutionary imagery, sparked controversy and acclaim, later earning a Grammy nomination for Best Metal Performance. Despite controversial comments, Gojira’s performance will remain a historical moment for metal — one of the biggest milestones we’ve seen where metal is recognized in such a fashion. While the satanic panic persists since the seventies and beyond, Gojira made a landmark from this performance, opening doors for heavier acts to have greater opportunities. After months of finding clips available, the official, full quality can now be viewed where you can relive this epic performance.

Watch the clip below:

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Zenae Zukowski