game-of-thronesTV’s about to get a lot more metal, as Game of Thrones is coming back next month. As is the violence, bloodshed, dragons, nudityand a goddmaned chair made out of swords isn’t metal enough, they even had Mastodon appear in an episode last year. And with the sixth season coming soon, the hype machine is starting to kick into overdrive. As part of that, HBO got the cast together and had them play a fun game: swords or metal band? It’s not an automatic, since there are names like Heart Eater, Dark Sister and Oathkeeper. It’s easier to tell what’s what if you’re a G0T fan, since there aren’t any blatant ’80s bands in there. It’s fun to see what the cast looks like as normal people, and you can also win a chance to see the season premiere in L.A.
