Anciients Streaming New Song Online

We love a success story, especially when it comes to this site and bands we like. Canada’s Anciients would definitely qualify as one. Almost exactly a year ago, we profiled the band (then just spelling their name with one “i”) in an Unsigned and...

KEN Mode Sign To Season Of Mist

What a difference a few years makes. When KEN Mode released their last album, Venerable, in 2011, it was their first for Profound Lore. The band’s mix of hardcore intensity and AmRep-style loud indie rock was a breath of fresh air. Produced by Converge’s...

The Dillinger Escape Plan Sign With Sumerian Records

The Dillinger Escape Plan have been working on new music for the better part of the past year. And earlier this evening, the group not only confirmed via a teaser video that fans can expect a new album this coming spring, but also revealed their imprint Party Smasher...