by Zenae Zukowski | Oct 18, 2019 | Interviews
Dragonforce’s new album Extreme Power Metal was released on September 27th via Metal Blade Records (order here). We caught up with guitarist Herman Li to discuss their latest effort, video games, surprises, VR, the 80s, and more. Can you discuss the process of...
by Chris Annunziata | Oct 8, 2019 | News, Updates
YouTuber Steve T was offered to tour with DragonForce on their upcoming trek but in a recent statement, the bassist had to bow out due to severe anxiety. In a new video, the YouTuber talked about the relationship he had with DragonForce and how we was initially...
by Chris Annunziata | Jul 30, 2019 | New Music, News, Updates, Video
Dragonforce have announced that their new album will be called Extreme Power Metal and will be released September 27th via Metal Blade Records. Damien Rainaud produced the record at Mix Unlimited in California. Guitarist Herman Li commented on the release:...
by Elise Yablon | Apr 5, 2019 | News, Video
During a recent Twitch livestream, Dragonforce guitarist Herman Li almost leaked a new song. In an effort to mute someone, he accidentally played about 15 seconds of an instrumental piece before realizing what he had done. The snippet most likely comes from the band’s...
by Metal Insider | Apr 20, 2015 | News, Video
A bunch of metalheads fully clothed in a pool watching Herman Li of Dragonforce play the band’s signature solo underwater sounds like an extremely weird dream. For the attendees of this year’s Full Metal Cruise, however, it became a reality this past week....