There’s nothing more American than football (well, American football anyway). And you’d think that its quarterbacks would enjoy some good old fashioned mass-appeal butt rock. Not so with Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. This is a little old, but apparently, last month Rodgers and his fellow tight end Tom Crabtree were going back and forth with each other about red state rock, and Rodgers isn’t a fan, specifically of Nickelback.
Rodgers first asked in a tweet “what are the odds @TCrabtree83 is rocking out to Alter Bridge right now with jean shorts on and his tribals showing.” He then asked “could forcing your child to listen to alter bridge, creed and nickleback be considered cruel and unusual punishment?” He might have gotten some tweets from fans defending them, since he then replied “If those are ur 3 favorite bands i shouldn’t b following me, or even on a computer, u should b finishing up ur last couple coloring books.”
Rodgers took the rest of April off, but about a month later, started in again on Crabtree, saying “If @Tcrabtree blocked u, u probably don’t have a tribal tat of disrespected his favorite band Hinder.” And while not directed at Crabtree, he later asked “So if nickelback plays ‘this is how u remind me” followed by “someday” will ne1 in the crowd know 2 songs were played? #samesong #horrible” And while it took Crabtree forever to respond to any of this, he finally answered Rodgers several days ago, replying “I don’t one a single pair of jorts and I am not a Nickelback fan.” According to another tweet, Crabtree is a fan of Silversun Pickups and Foo Fighters. No word yet on what kind of music Rodgers likes, but we sure know what he doesn’t like.
via [The AV Club by way of The Daily Swarm]