At the end of last year, most of Metal Insider made their way over to Saint Vitus for Prosthetic’s holiday party. While Prosthetic bands So Hideous and Junius played, the opener was a band that was new to us called InAeona. The female-fronted trio impressed us, sounding like a darkwave version of Russian Circles, but with vocals. While it wouldn’t necessarily be classified as metal, we were intrigued by them, and that’s why it’s unsurprising to hear that they’ve signed with the label. The band’s debut album will be released this summer. Here’s what the band has to say about their signing:
“The making of our new album has been both grueling and exhilarating, as we had to dig deep and try our best to stay brave and honest about this life. The journey it’s taken us on is something we’re all ultimately proud to be a part of.”