Metal Inside(r) Home Quarantine is Metal Insider’s new column during this time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked artists five questions on what’s been keeping them busy ranging from their favorite movies, food they’ve been eating, music they’ve been listening to and more. We caught up with Dry Kill Logic guitarist Jason Bozzi as he’s been spending this time keeping his family from being bored.


What have you been doing to pass time during Quarantine?

I have a (almost) 2 year old child, so that keeps me pretty busy. Between the kid and my dog, I spend most of my days out on walks trying to keep them both from getting bored or back in our apartment trying to feed/clean/entertain them. When the household finally crashes for the night, I’m able to work on music, practice or just decompress and read or watch tv. It’s also when I’m able to do any work I might have as a freelance video editor.


Have you been listening to any music or have any playlists worth checking out?

One of the best parts of having a kid is going back through the music of your life and making lists of all the things you want to play for them. Currently, we’re on a steady diet of Bowie, Hendrix and The Beatles. For my personal listening, I’ve been enjoying Noah Gunderson, James Blackshaw and Joanna Newsom lately…really trying to keep settled during this time.


A lot of people have been spending this time cooking including making their own bread, what food have you been prepping during this time?

I haven’t done bread, but I’ve done pizza dough quite a bit. I just bought a Baking Steel for my oven and I’ve been getting the best homemade pizzas off of it. I’m pretty much always cooking, though. Usually it’s a pasta dish or some kind of rice bowl for my weeknight go-tos.


In terms of entertainment, what movies, TV shows, books, or games have been keeping you busy?

I’ve been on a Pete Hamill kick, since his passing. Recently read The Drinking Life, Tabloid City and Downtown, as well as watching the documentary Deadline Artists. That sent me down a journalism movie rabbit hole, so I’ve also been re-watching movies like All The President’s Men, Spotlight and Zodiac.


What advice do you have for your fans in isolation during this time?

Make sure you take time for your mental health. Try not to spiral out on the news all the time and make time to get away from screens. I find it hard to find time to talk to my friends (actually talking, not texting or emailing), but whenever I do, I feel much better afterwards. We all need someone to talk to, so find the time.