One of the most heartbreaking and poetic tributes to the late Chris Cornell occurred last night (7) during the Prophets of Rage show in Berlin, Germany. Towards the end of their set, surviving Audioslave members Tom Morello, Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk paid another tribute to their late bandmate/friend. We have already seen them play “Like a Stone” and watched System of a Down frontman Serj Tankian pay a heartfelt tribute to his friend with them at this past weekend’s Rock am Ring festival. The homages continue and this one seems to surpass what we have already seen.  

There was an empty space between Morello and Commerford, leaving a microphone standing in the center of the spotlight with no one behind it. The surviving members went into an instrumental version of the song, “Like a Stone.” The silence left a strong message on how much he is missed however, the crowd ended up pouring their hearts out singing to the lyrics.

Morello shared an image on his Instagram along with an honest message reading:

“Like A Stone” Chris Cornell tribute, Berlin. The crowd sang beautifully. Miss you, brother. #EmptyMic


“Like A Stone” Chris Cornell tribute, Berlin. The crowd sang beautifully. Miss you, brother. #EmptyMic

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Zenae Zukowski