skeletonwitch2There’s a lot of good press for Serpents Unleashed, the latest record from Skeletonwitch. The latest interview with the band is from a unique source, however: Olivia and Connie, the two 7th grade girls from Columbus, OH who host the web series Kids Interview Bands. The duo hit up bands touring through the Columbus area and film short interviews. The girls are no strangers to speaking with metal bands. They have also interviewed Mastodon, The Melvins, Baroness, and Clutch to name a few. So when Skeletonwitch came through Columbus, lead singer Chance Garnette and drummer Dustin Boltjes were happy to sit down and chat with these young metal journalists.

If you’ve already heard the new album or read any reviews, you might already know about the awesome cover artwork from Baroness’ John Dyer Baizley, or the production led by Converge’s Kurt Ballou. But you probably didn’t know their favorite Lord of the Rings characters, or most hated Halloween candy. Basically, plan on discovering more things that will make realize that Skeletonwitch are even more awesome than you already know they are. Check out the video below as well as the new record, which is out now on Prosthetic Records.

Kristen does unique reviews of her own. Check our her beer and record pairings at her blog, Now Beer This.

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