Will Haven have shared a new documentary involving the group’s return and their 2018 record, Muerte. Directed by David Owen Blackley of Her Name Is Murder Productions, the film consists of live footage, interviews with members of the band, and more. In addition to the film, the California dark metalcore outfit have a lot more planned for 2022, including, live shows and an upcoming full-length album.
Guitarist Jeff Irwin comments:
“I’m excited to finally share this documentary. I love it because it has the same feel as our original release but with a much more mature version of us as well as reliving the history of the band. I have watched it about twenty times, and I still find things in there I didn’t notice the first time. Dave did an amazing job capturing us and our fans and making an art piece out of it similar to what Brad Oates did with the original Foreign Films. I think it’s a great documentary for new fans to learn about the band and our crazy journey for the past twenty-five years. My advice is to sit back and turn up for volume and enjoy the ride.”
Brad Hardie of Minus Head Records adds:
“It’s an honor to work with Will Haven. I grew up in Sacramento, and there was always a certain allure about them. I look forward to spreading the word about them with Foreign Films II and releasing another record!”
Irwin discusses the band’s upcoming record:
“Making this new album and being in the studio has been a blessing over the past two years. we started writing right before Covid came and then everything shut down, We decided to take the down time to go in and just record the record, so while the world had stopped we were in the studio working and feeling blessed to have an outlet during those two years of Covid, the world was crazy and I think it came out in our music, I don’t like saying this or that about the record all I can say is that the emotion is there and we are happy with the result, look forward to sharing it with new and old fans.”
Watch the documentary film below: