
The last time we saw a video from Norway’s Shining, it took you to dizzying heights. Just a few weeks later, and they’re dropping you down to the depths of human emotion with their video for “The Last Stand.” Like a cross between Lord of the Flies and Fight Club, the video covers a ritualistic battle between members to reach the highest levels of the International Blackjazz Society. After seeing this video, we’re not so sure if we’re committed to getting that high in the Society. What do you need to know about the video? Well, it was directed by Mitch Massie, who you might know from the most NSFW video ever, Cattle Decaptiation’s “Forced Gender Reassignment.” While this video isn’t anywhere near as brutal, there’s plenty of gore involved, so when we say it’s NSFW, we mean it. Here’s a description of the plot of the video:

In the video, directed by Mitch Massie, who created clips for The Dillinger Escape Plan and The Locust, we witness the ritualistic fight of a society member, attempting to advance to the highest rank within the organization. As symbols of their respective membership, levels are painted in blood on the backs of each contender.  Our hero, belonging to the Level 5 “Cikada” part of the Middle Echelon, needs to defeat his opponent, who belongs to “1:4:9” Level 9 and is therefore part of the Upper Echelon of the IBS, in order to achieve the highest rank of the Society.  The video concludes by demonstrating how the legendary and honorable “1375” rank is attained; our hero faces and fulfills the virtuous deed of sacrificing one’s own life… under the axe.

The video also features a killer sax solo from Jorgen Munkeby, so it’s got that going for it.