[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-68ioMFgbc&t=4m[/youtube]It’s been cringeworthy, yet fascinating watching Queensryche unravel before our eyes via the media and court documents. Both lead singer Geoff Tate and the remainder of the band’s accounts point to a band confrontation right before the band was to play San Paulo Brazil in April. While the argument took place before the show, the band still played. However, drummer Scott Rockenfield claimed that Tate spit on him throughout the show. Now video footage has surfaced from the concert clearly shows Tate expectorating saliva on the drummer. Take a good look at the two videos, as they’ll eventually probably wind up being shown in court. Tate spits at Rockenfield at  3:58 in the above clip and 1:25 in the clip after the jump. If the allegation the band makes that Tate didn’t like playing older material, it makes sense that both spitting incidents happened during older songs. 
