Every Time I Die - Credit Joshua Halling

If there’s one thing you might want to keep in mind when attending an Every Time I Die show, it’s that the stage is theirs, and maybe you shouldn’t try to take a selfie while onstage. A few years back, some guy found out the hard way when guitarist Jordan Buckley karate kicked a cell phone out of his hands while trying to take a selfie. Looks like fucking with would-be selfie takers runs in he family, as Lambgoat has uploaded the best .gif in the world. When we say “in the world,” we mean it, because apparently in London, some other guy decided to take a selfie. The other Buckley wasn’t having it, smacking the phone out of homeboy’s hand. There’s no word on if the guy got his phone back, but this is highly entertaining.


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Bram Teitelman