Germany is a weird country and everybody knows that. Aside from keeping the crown for their über-the-top dirty porn and whatever other weird stuff you have heard from them (which I’m sure it’s probably true) the country has decided to prove us once again that there is enough confusion to be brought to the world, specifically the metal world.

Romano is a German rapper from Berlin who’s been around since the late 90’s but, as most German artists, you probably aren’t familiar with his music, but today, you will find out you and him have a lot more in common than what you expect, and that’s a true passion for Metal.

The rapper’s newest album is called Metalkutte and the title track has been released and we couldn’t help to notice the constant mention of some underground metal bands like Deathspell Omega, Satyricon, Hellhammer, Blut Aus Nord among many others. Aside from that, you can see in the video below imagery resembling famous metal logos like Metallica, Morbid Angel or Destruction.

The lyrics are, of course, in German but I did you the favor of translating them using the always trusty Google Translate so judge for yourself, once you can take your eyes away from the Corpsepainted dance group. Do yourself a favor and read the following with the thickest German accent to increase hilarity:

Beautiful day, Walkman on!
Dark Sound – Underground
Do today ‘my habit chic
Listen my degree Black Metal mix
Now all the patches are there
Favorite bands completely clear
Oldschool, Morbid Angel, Bathory, Gorgoroth
Deicide, Mr. Benton with twisted cross on the head
Mayhem, Darkthrone, the guys from Emperor
Early 90s made the still correct Terror
1349 Patch with frost on the Drummer
I’m still missing Satyricon, Sarcófago and Hellhammer
Now it gets horny Kirchenbrand, diabolism, youthful energy
Norway bladder, skin, cold snow
And the freezing everything runs smoothly
Deep in the forest here in the big city

Check out my patches Today’s concert
Look how they stare at my masterpiece
Me and my cassock black metal cowl
Thrash Metal – Death Metal – Heavy Metal frock!

Check out my patches Today’s concert
Look how they stare at my masterpiece
Me and my cassock black metal cowl
Thrash Metal – Death Metal – Heavy Metal frock!

[Part 2]
Inverted Pentagram
Three times 6 Horned Hand
Southern Cross on the wall
Nietzsche’s Antichrist in the closet
Corpsepaint – hairs – sewing ‘my new patches on it
Unbeatable, Celtic Frost – Blut aus Nord came in the mail
Destruction, Autopsy, Resurrection and Massacre
Finest Trash and Death coming to the leather jacket later
Deathspell Omega, Aosoth French Black
Black Mass, every track you burn off your confessional
Nattefrost, Marduk and do not forget Urgehal
Ride to Hell today can feel ‘free fall
Now gehts los – Spikes, muscle shirt
Belted Nordic elemental force, habit on, ammunition
A dozen wolves waiting for the night
Deep in the forest here in the big city

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