[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3n7mlWgEgo[/youtube]It was like Christmas and Easter on the same day, only much, much cooler, because Biohazard and Machine Head shared the the same stage. During the Metal Hammer Golden Gods 2012 event on June 11th in London, Biohazard were joined by Machine Head’s Robb Flynn during their live performance of “Punishment.”

Flynn had just snagged the Metal Hammer Golden Gods award in the category “Riff Lord” together with band mate Phil Demmel  that night, but chose to show off his vocal chops instead. Biohazard’s Bobby Hambel repeatedly talked about his desire to just “get out there and play” in an interview with Metal Insider, and it surely looked like they had a lot of fun on that stage. Since Seinfeld’s departure from the band, Scott Roberts, who had first recorded with Biohazard back in 2005, filled in as their singer, but who knows, maybe Robb Flynn will return for the occasional collaboration.

Flynn appears on stage around the 3:50 mark.



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