ardcIt still feels weird that we live in a world without David Bowie and Prince and Brian Johnson was replaced in AC/DC by Axl Rose. None of that makes that much sense, but here we are, and on Saturday, the first-ever AC/DC show featuring their fourth vocalist will take place in Lisbon, Portugal. “It’s a challenge, and I wanna do right by the fans,” Axl told NME. The band’s 12 European shows will happen this month and next, and despite 7,000 fans taking the band up on a refund,  the band seem excited to play, as you can see in the below video. In Axl’s first appearance with the band, Axl, Angus Young and Cliff Williams asked fans to come out, suggesting that the show isn’t sold out yet.

And while comedian Jim Breuer initially went off on a tangent about Johnson being fired on his podcast (that he quickly backtracked about), he’s  still pissed off about his friend Johnson (who appears on his forthcoming album). Speaking to Metal Hammer, Breuer vented once again:

That statement saying, effectively, ‘Thank you, and good luck in your future endeavours’… What? The man put you on the stratosphere, he’s the one that brought so many more listeners to AC/DC, that brought someone like me to see them year after year in concert, who was the gateway for so many people to discover Bon. It would have been so much more respectful to honour him properly, to say ‘We’re devastated, here’s our boy and we’re going to make sure he goes out in the right way, with a proper salute’, but no. I don’t think Angus realises how brutal it seems to everyone else. If someone worked at Walmart for over 30 years they’d expect a proper send-off. My brother worked for the State of New York for 40 years and right before his pension kicked in they let him go, and I wanted to drive up there to the Governor and smash his teeth down his throat for being so disgusting. And I kinda feel the same way about Brian. How can you do that to anyone who’s put so much of their life into their work? It just blows my mind. So yeah, I’m a little angered by it.”

We’ll see if Rose remains in the band once his touring duties with the band are over. In the meantime, you can watch them beg you to go see them in Lisbon. Breuer, for his part, says he has no intention of seeing AC/DC any time soon.

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Bram Teitelman