The metal world was thrown for a loop last week when Brutal Truth’s (and Nuclear Assault and Stormtroopers of Death) Danny Lilker announced his retirement from music, or at least announced his retirement from being a full time musician. He’s since opened up to Decibel‘s editor Albert Mudrian about his decision. And while he said that he is indeed retiring from Brutal Truth, he’s not giving up music full time, and he also didn’t make the announcement to have it blow up like it wound up doing. In fact, he seems even more humble in the Decibel interview. Regarding the other bands he’ll still be playing in, he said:
I still play in two bands here in Rochester that you’re probably aware of anyway: Nokturnal Hellstorm and Blurring. I’m still in Venomous Concept. I’m still in NunFuckRitual. If I am asked to fill in on a Lock Up tour when Shane [Embury] can’t do it, like I’ve done before, I will still do that. What I’m doing is just ratcheting things down so it’s just more occasional, as far as traveling. You know, I had Blurring practice last night. I have Nokturnal Hellstorm practice tonight. We’re both working on new tunes. And we’ll both be thinking about recording soon, and both bands play out here in Rochester, so I realize that people in Chile for example won’t get to see my band play here in Rochester or something, but that’s one thing.
He realizes that had he perhaps stuck with Anthrax, he might be able to be on a tour bus instead of a van, but has no regrets for following his passion:
To put it in some perspective, I started out playing thrash. The first Anthrax album, back then I was like a peer with Metallica. You know? And I have chosen — I can’t even say “chosen” — I have followed my heart playing music, doing exactly what the fuck I want to, whether it’s lucrative or not. And, you know, hey, if I played fucking hard rock or whatever and went off in a big tour bus all the time, you know, maybe that would be easier, but that’s not realistic with the music that I play, so… whatever, tough shit on me.
His attitude, or lack thereof, is refreshing, and while he’ll be missed nationally and internationally, at least fans of him will still be able to see him play in and around Rochester.