by Alix Vallecillo | Aug 25, 2016 | Covers, News, Video
Since we got word about Prophets of Rage forming, they haven’t calmed down for a split second and continue their work to make America rage again. That sounds like a very difficult task, so the band decided to ask for some help from friends they made throughout...
by Bram Teitelman | Sep 18, 2014 | Beefs, News
It hasn’t been completely confirmed yet that Jay Weinberg is the new drummer of Slipknot. However, beyond a handful of metal sites (like, y’know, ours), the Toronto Sun has become the first mainstream publication to suggest that he might be Joey...
by Bram Teitelman | Jul 30, 2014 | Because Internet, Metal Memes, News
Last year, the internet was very amused by Bass Dogs, a Tumblr account that noted that “people who play bass with their fingers look like they’re tickling hairy dogs.” Hilarity ensued. Now the same person that created that is back again, this time...
by Bram Teitelman | Apr 7, 2014 | News, Video
[youtube][/youtube] The older Bruce Springsteen gets, the more fun he seems to be having. And while his catalog speaks for itself, he’s been peppering in plenty of covers from his contemporaries recently. You’ve already seen him...
by Bram Teitelman | Feb 20, 2014 | Lists
If you’re reading this, you like metal, and you’re probably proud of your home state. But you’re probably wondering who the most successful artist is in your state. A Reddit user was, and cross-referenced the RIAA’s list of the top 250...