by Bram Teitelman | Oct 14, 2015 | In The Studio, News, Updates
t’s been over four years since Mastodon’s Brent Hinds let the cat out of the bag and announced he was working with The Dillinger Escape Plan’s Benjamin Weinman on a project with former The Mars Volta drummer Thomas Pridgen and Jane’s...
by Alix Vallecillo | Jul 24, 2015 | Backpedaling, News, Updates
During a Reddit AMA, Mastodon’s drummer Brann Dailor took some time of his recently cleared schedule to answer whatever fans with a Reddit account wanted to ask and even though there were a million “Are you doing another Leviathan-like album ever...
by Zach Fehl | Jun 23, 2015 | News
In what could be one of the most disappointing interviews that I’ve ever read, Brent Hinds of Mastodon declared that he doesn’t like metal, he doesn’t want to be in a metal band, and he hates talking about what he does. Although he may not be a metal...
by Seth Werkheiser | Jun 1, 2015 | News, Television
Scott Ian was in a recent episode of “The Walking Dead,” and now Mastodon get in on the television action, making an appearance on last night’s HBO show, “Game of Thrones.” They appeared as Wildlings in the climactic final battle of...
by Bram Teitelman | Feb 12, 2015 | New Music, News
As one of the more popular current bands in metal, Mastodon inspire a lot of people. Many of them are inspired to pick up guitars and make some of their own music. Other are inspired to twerk. But more than one time, their music has inspired people to tweak it and...