Metal Insider is a proud sponsor of Full Metal Texas, the most metal of all metal events taking place in Austin. If you’re going to be down there, you probably already know about it and have made plans for Thursday, 3/18. The event is free, and now it’s already-stellar lineup has gotten even better with the addition of Animals as Leaders. The progressive instrumental quartet will now be playing, and there might even be a few more surprise guests announced. We’d tell you who, but first of all, we just said there “might” be more surprise guests, not that there were definitely going to be any more. And secondly, if we told you who was hypothetically playing, it would ruin the surprise. Basically, what we’re trying to say is that this is a must-attend event.

On a related note, is Emo’s the only venue that shares its name with a genre of music other than the Hard Rock Cafe?