UPDATE: Since this story first ran online, Black Tusk bassist Jonathan Athon’s has passed away. The original story can be found below.


Black Tusk bassist Athon is in a medically-induced coma and his girlfriend is in the hospital following a motorcycle accident yesterday. Here’s what the Savannah band’s Facebook page says about the incident:

Last night Athon and his girlfriend Emily were involved in a serious motorcycle accident. It’s our understanding that a car ran a stop sign in front of them and they had no chance to avoid a collision.  He is currently in the ICU, and the doctors have him in an induced coma to monitor his injuries. Emily is currently coherent and recovering in the hospital. The doctors are telling us that all we can do know is wait and see.  We will post updates as they become available.

Well, that’s awful news. Here’s hoping he improves. The trio released a 7″, Vulture’s Eye, earlier this year.