KittiePig, the non-alcoholic beverage, may seem like another band producing a product to sell. But for this, it goes deeper, is more thoughtful, and carries a greater meaning. Kittie has always been inspiring, pushing boundaries and opting for alternative paths. Unsurprisingly, they’d take that direction with non-alcoholic drinks, especially considering their return from the shadows with their latest two singles, “We Are Shadows” and “Eyes Wide Open,” marking their first new music since 2011’s I’ve Failed You. This product symbolizes the band’s profound influence on the metal scene over the past two decades and change. In my own reflection, I’m inspired by how Kittie has shattered stereotypes and helped pave the way for women in metal. 

Musically, this feels like the ultimate comeback, reigniting the energy from their 1999 debut. Time must have been the secret ingredient to regain this fresh set of momentum. And they’re back, heavier and more demanding than ever. Time may have changed, lineups have come and gone, and turmoil with the loss of Trish Doan, but Kittie’s resurgence is vital in more ways than one.

Life can be weird. Years later, things come full circle and hold odd connections and sentimental value. Twenty-five years ago, the group blossomed with their brutal debut album, Spit, bringing them on a headlining tour in 2000, where Disturbed, a supporting act, have since become a mainstream success. Personally, I was at their show at Irving Plaza on July 25th, 2000. I remember waiting in that line at the now-defunct Virgin Megastore in Union Square, NYC, to get an autograph from my idols. At the time, I was a teenager, and these women were more like goddesses to me. Their music resonated with me on levels that later gained more understanding and meaning as I aged, but I remember this day distinctly; it’s one of the few days that stand out.

I was next in line to get their autograph; back then, an autograph meant everything. We were the first to be told they were out of time. So I was disappointed, and we decided to walk to Irving Plaza to start heading towards the show. And what ended up happening? The lineup at the time, consisting of Morgan Lander (vocals), Mercedes Lander (drums), Fallon Bowman (guitar), and Talena Atfield (bass), happened to be walking in the same direction, and I can’t recall exactly how it happened. Either one of my friends pointed them out to me, since I’m still, to this day, oblivious to obvious surroundings, and pushed me to ask them for an autograph, or they asked for me. Suddenly, just like that, my four idols, who even at that time weren’t much older than me, signed my Spit album cover in the middle of the street between crossing traffic. While I would show that same cover today, I placed it somewhere where it will never get lost, within my bins of keepsakes.

However, as a teenager, traveling to shows more freely was everything, and the first event was going to an event “in the city” from Long Island. Artists make a significant impact on people of all ages. But there was something about this timeframe that, one way or another, changed my life. And much of it had to do with this day and seeing Kittie live and quickly grow as a band. A few weeks later, I ended up selling their CDs in a music store, and twenty-four years later, I received my second autograph from Morgan.

The band now has a different lineup (Tara McLeod on guitar and Ivy Vujic on bass), but their strong message remains, and their fan base continues to grow and inspire. As a woman experiencing the metal scene and witnessing men dominating it, it meant so much seeing these four women changing that direction firsthand. While yes, they weren’t the first and won’t be the last, and things have definitely evolved with more diversified metal acts and a growing number of subgenres within the last twenty-five years, this was pivotal, at least for the American market. It proved that anything is possible if you work hard and believe in yourself.

Here I am now, having transitioned from selling CDs to owning a website convincing readers to buy new music or at least listen to fresh tunes. It’s somewhat amusing to see how things progress or show where you’re meant to be.

With that same inspiration, we now come to KittiePig, the non-alcoholic beer suited for people who no longer drink or simply don’t, offering alternatives to people at festivals and shows. Non-alcoholic beverages are certainly becoming a growing trend, especially for the younger generation. And that’s just another circle showing the importance and impact Kittie continues to have. The drink is unique and takes a bit to get used to, but if you enjoy flavored seltzer and more fruity flavors, add a bit of hop; it’s definitely up your alley. If you’re expecting the Heineken-branded non-alcoholic brew, look elsewhere. Overall, it’s a fun drink and a nice alternative while keeping the spirit of Kittie alive. Or perhaps indulge in a KittiePig while seeing them live this summer. It’s well worth trying, but be warned: it may attract actual kitties thinking it’s for them.