Canadian filmmaker Doug Brown is working on a documentary titled “Slave to the Grind,” his second feature length film as a director. The trailer for the project features Soilent Green vocalist Ben Falgoust, Discordance Axis drummer Dave Witte, Fuck The Facts vocalist Mel Mongeon, and more.
From the KickStarter page:
“Making a film involves significant risk. Documentaries are the riskiest.
Having shot a feature doc before, I was able to make most of my rookie mistakes: going over budget, underestimating how long it would take, taking too much on, etc. That said, I was still able to complete, tour, and sell the documentary to a variety of outlets. I am confident that even in these early stages of production, Slave to the Grind will surpass our previous projects.”
Brown is looking to raise $12,000 CAD, and has raised $6,567 so far. With 51 days to go, and being a KickStarter Staff pick, this project should totally get funded by April 9th. A release date for “Slave to the Grind” is late 2017.