American Idol is finally coming to an end. The once mega-popular show began in 2002, and the final season will start in January of 2016. In recent years, its ratings have declined significantly, and while there were a decent amount of stars minted from the show (Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood), the closest it’s come to making rock musicians famous is the generic rock of Chris Daughtry and Adam Lambert, who has gone on to perform with Queen.
Said Fox COO Joe Earley:
“Collectively, we all arrived at the conclusion that it was time to bring the show to an end, but a way that felt special and celebratory and treated the show the way it deserved to be treated. So … it is going to be a true season-long celebration. We’re already talking about surprises we can have for the fans to make it feel special and send it off in a way that’s as significant as the run it’s had on our network.”
We’re hoping some of “surprises” they have planned include some metal! There have been a number of metal moments on the popular FOX series over the years, like Judas Priest playing on the show in 2011, Zakk Wylde performing with a contestant, Aerosmith vocalist Steven Tyler coming on as a judge, and the son of Eric “A.K.” Knutson (of Flotsam and Jetsam) making an appearance.
(via TV Guide)