Ghost Ship Octavius, featuring former members of Nevermore, God Forbid, and Warrel Dane’s solo band, having successfully financed their debut album with a Kickstarter campaign back in 2014, have announced a second campaign for an upcoming album entitled Delirium. The album can be pre-ordered in digital, CD, or vinyl formats with a couple of options for merch as well. At higher pledge levels, the band is offering one-on-one hour-long Skype lessons with a member of the band. The link for the Kickstarter and band lineup can be found below.

Ghost Ship Octavius is:

Adon Fanion – Guitars, Vocals

Matthew Wicklund (ex Himsa, Warrel Dane, God Forbid) – Guitars

Van Williams (ex-Ashes of Ares, Nevermore) – Drums

Dagna Silesia (ex-Warrel Dane) – Bass