Photo Credit: Jehn W.A.


Matt Harvey, guitarist and vocalist of Exhumed, presents music inspired by the cold winter filled with damp and misty mornings in a 5-song instrumental EP, Toward The Cold Light, released on February 8th (available via Bandcamp). It is a highly nostalgic and sensory work, self-composed and self-produced, mastered by Leon del Muerte at Beastman Audio, featuring artwork by Jacobs Speis.

Among introspective passages and sounds of nature, this new orchestrated album is an invitation from the artist to reconnect with our own thoughts in those moments that bring us the greatest tranquility, referencing the times he walked with his dog through the fog of cold winter mornings. 

Harvey comments: 

“This EP is something I’ve had rattling around for a while, melodies and compositions inspired by walking my dogs through the fog on chilly Winter mornings. It’s more contemplative than anything I’ve done before; more reflective of both the natural world and the internal world that we experience alone with our thoughts in quiet moments. It’s been a rewarding journey working on music as a composer and engineer, rather than a guitar player or vocalist, and I hope coming along that journey with me through these tunes is also meaningful to anyone who listens.”

Track List:

01) Toward the Cold Light

02) Silence at the Edge of Memory 

03) Lights in the Mist

04) Parted Hearts

05) Vanishing Point