01) Vicious Blade, Relentless Force (Redefining Darkness Records)

A more perfect album title could not have been conceived for this piece of wax. Badass Clarissa Badini’s (Castrator/Tartarus) overpowering, compelling, hostile vocal brawling is as otherworldly as it always has been, and the Vicious Blade semblance (Kevin Parent/Drums, Erik Wynn/Guitars, Jeff Ellsworth/Lead Guitar, Justin Pelissero/Bass) is hell bent in wasting no time to batter your senses in assault after assault in what results as a cathartic speed/black/death/thrash pummeling from start to finish on this perfect record. At a no-nonsense three minutes average per track, the band pulls you into a straight to the point, no quarter, plug-in and kick your ass odyssey that will have you mesmerized in its death grip for just under a half hour, only to play it again. A sonically intense, total massacre. By far the best album of 2024.
Key Tracks: “Relentless Force”/“Death Blow”/“Nocturnal Slaughter”

To Listen to the complete list of the Best 25 Albums of 2024 according to DJ Alex Kayne; go to this location.

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Alex Kayne