Paws, Pets & Metal is Metal Insider’s newest column on bands with pets, discovering who watches them on the road, and more. Get to know more about these metal furbabies. We caught up with Lynx guitarist Blade as his cat purrs to hair metal. 

Tell us more about your pet(s) and their names?

I have a cat. He’s a Siamese Lynx point. His name is Michiko, a Japanese name meaning bold and beautiful child. We call him Michi, sometimes Michu.

Have you ever taken your pet on tour?

As much as I want to, but not yet. He prefers the comfort of home and likes living a private life. So it’s hard to convince him to be on tour.

Who looks after your pet while on the road?

Usually my wife & if my wife is away, then we have a cat sitter coming in everyday for him. He has a better life than I do I swear!

What’s your pet’s favorite song or album?

It’s definitely Lÿnx songs, he’s the mascot of our band after all. But I also think he likes ‘Look what the cat dragged in’ by Poison. He gets excited when the song starts playing!

How did you introduce your pet to metal?

Michi definitely loves hair metal and I’ll take the credit for it. He’s always listening to Skid Row, Mötley Crüe, Guns n Roses records with me.

What animal charity means most to you?

Any cat-related charity that rescues kittens and cats and helps them find their forever homes. In the future, my wife and I want to open a cat shelter where we can rescue kittens and cats and take care of them while finding their forever home.


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Zenae Zukowski