Back in December of 2017, a radio and television broadcaster known as “Jane Doe,” sued Gene Simmons along with Rock & Brews Holdings, LLC for making unwarranted sexual advances during an on-camera interview that took place on November 1st, 2017. Additional allegations included sexual battery, gender violence, and assault. This incident happened around the same time when the KISS bassist/singer was banned from Fox news for his crude behavior as well as being accused of sexual assault by at least two other women. Simmons has since denied all of these accusations.

Billboard reports, the case between Simmons and “Jane Doe” has settled. The hearing took place last Monday (2nd), and Doe’s attorney told Los Angeles County Supreme Court Judge Daniel S. Murphy that both parties have reached a settlement. As of right now, the terms of the settlement hasn’t been released just yet. However, the judge stated that both sides need to file a request to officially have the case dismissed.

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Zenae Zukowski