
Heard of Pete Cottrell? Probably not. Heard of Meshuggah? Here’s hoping you have. Cottrell is a YouTube personality that makes music. And by “makes music,” we mean took Meshuggah’s “Straws Pulled at Random” and sampled a bunch of percussive sounds like soda bottles, Skittles being poured in a bowl and punching a bag of sugar. Here’s how he described “MeSugar” and how he pulled it off:

I’ve wanted to make this video for a while, just to see if it’s possible. There’s a lot of discussion about whether using pre recorded drum samples is good or bad so, the basic idea was to replace the drum part with sounds of Sugar, Sweets/Candy and Fizzy Drinks and turns out that it works!

I used the Tomas Haake Metalheads MIDI packs from Toontrack to trigger the samples via Cubase’s Groove Agent and recorded the samples with a Shure 57 Beta Mic.

The end result is something that sounds not that dissimilar to the original. In fact, you’d be kind of hard pressed to tell the difference if you weren’t paying close attention and just heard the song, as opposed to watching the video. Cottrell says that he’s inspired by the Founs Douns and Song Challenge videos of Andrew Huang, so if you like Pete’s Meshuggah take, check out Andrew’s page.

[via Gear Gods]