Bad Rescue is the brainchild of brothers David and Franck Potvin (Lyzanxia, Phaze I, One-Way Mirror). Musically, their sound incorporates thriller movie inspiration mixed with ambient melodies, and cinematic soundscapes, adding a heavier execution. Today (3rd), the project has teamed up with Metal Insider to premiere a video for their latest single, “A Dream.” 


The band comments:

“Bad Rescue invite you to party in the deepest darkness of their minds. A mournful musical corridor that leads to the paradise of joyful lust. Uninhibited and crazy, “A Dream” is a musical scenario that comes out of a festive and unhealthy imagination where the dead wake up to go clubbing in Garrix style. Even death does not prevent people from dancing!”


Watch the clip below:



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Zenae Zukowski