Photo Credit: Sam Jämsen


Amorphis guitarist Tomi Koivusaari is gearing up to release his solo project BJØRKØ to the world, with the debut album, Heartrot, out December 1st via Svart Records. If you missed it, an Antti Kuivalainen and Jani Tanskanen-directed video for the second single, “Magenta,” is now available. The Finnish-language track features notable Finnish artist Mariska and stands out as a raw love song. Heartrot is a collaborative effort with vocalists like Waltteri Väyrynen, Lauri Porra, and Janne Lounatvuori, which Koivusaari has described as a “soundtrack to an imaginary film.” 


Koivusaari comments on the new song:

“Originally, the piece was a floating ten minute instrumental with a slowly building crescendo towards the end. When Mariska agreed to join and perform vocals, I had to rearrange the song into a more traditional form. I let Mariska freely write the lyrics and the vocal melody. Her attitude is genuine and she has style. She fits the atmosphere of the song perfectly, and she’s also one of the best lyricists in the country.”