Howard Jones was recently on the “BREWtally Speaking Podcast” and was asked if the long-rumored album by his first band, Blood Will Be Shed will ever surface.

“That music, I don’t know if it’ll ever see the light of day. Doesn’t mean Blood Has Been Shed won’t see the light of day.”

When he was asked if the music actually existed:

“It’s been a long time since that music has really been discussed, but there have been discussions, and I’ll just leave it at that.”

Even though the band hasn’t been around for almost 15 years, there’s is still a continued fan interest. Jones seems optimistic about the band’s future.

“It’s one of those things where at times this thing’s been dead and buried, but then little sparks will happen here and there, so who knows eventually we may get on the same page.”

Check out the full episode below: