by Nick DeSimone | Dec 6, 2016 | Comedy, Video
YouTube comedy show Two Minutes To Late Night has totally won us over this year – so much so that, if it ever got picked up by a network as a full-time show, we think it’d be the next Metalocalypse in terms of bringing heavy music to the...
by Bram Teitelman | Nov 14, 2016 | Video
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from metal late night comedy show Two Minutes To Late Night, it’s that it should totally be a full time metal late night comedy show. I mean, I’d quit my job tomorrow to write for it, and if they keep up the...
by Bram Teitelman | Sep 14, 2016 | Video
Earlier this year, we saw the latest entry into the late night wars, as fictional metal talk show Two Minutes To Late Night entered the fray. While the first entry was filmed at Saint Vitus Bar and had the actual feel of a late night show, host Gwarsenio Hall (Jordan...
by Alix Vallecillo | Jun 17, 2016 | Television
You may have noticed how rare it is for metal to get any sort of mention or reference in mainstream entertainment like TV or movies. Hell, we go crazy when we see the slight reference of rock and metal at any random talk show just because we feel like popular media is...