Metal By Numbers 2/4: Fear of the Chart

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. What we have for you here is the biggest list of debuts of 2015 thus far. And it’s got a couple of doozies, not least of all Periphery heading it off with a...

2011 Ramming Speed Winter Tour Diary: Part 3

Ramming Speed’s Winter tour, which saw them playing across the country for an entire month, has come to an end. However, drummer Jonah will still be sharing highlights and pictures of all the craziness that occurred while on the road in his 2011 Ramming Speed Winter...

Win Tickets To The 2010 Scion Rock Fest!

Scion Rock Fest will make a triumphant return, this year on March 13 in Columbus, OH. It’s another stellar package, with Cannibal Corpse, Shrinebuilder and Voivod headlining, along with over 20 other bands rounding out the bill. Best of all, entry is completely...