Metal Insider’s Top Ten of the Year – Chris Colgan

With the year in music just about over, Metal Insider‘s staff and contributors are taking a look back and naming their top ten albums of 2012. This next list comes courtesy of Metal Insider contributor Chris Colgan. We’re also including a Spotify playlists with a song...

Video: France Really Does Have Talent

[youtube][/youtube] This blew up the internetz a day or two ago, but it wasn’t until today that we actually got a chance to see it. Rachel La Voix D’Homme Apse was recently on the French version of America’s...

New & Noteworthy, October 2nd: Electronegative

My friends, as much as I hate to admit it, we’re starting to wind down the calendar for 2012’s new releases. Every year, when we hit the first week of October, I have to mentally adjust myself to that reality. It’s been more difficult this year than...

Unsigned & Streamed: Arcadia

Why should major label bands be the only ones who get love? Unsigned & Streamed is a new column where we stream a song from an unsigned band we at Metal Insider really dig. This week, we’re pleased to put a spotlight on Arcadia from Adelaide, South Australia....