by Bram Teitelman | Jun 16, 2016 | Scene Report
Over the course of five years, My Missing Half has gone from a one-man home-recorded project to a powerful three-piece melodic death metal band. Led by Bijan Hennessey, the band recently released their second EP, A Proper Hangman’s Knot. Back in April, we...
by Alix Vallecillo | Apr 28, 2016 | Exclusive, New Music, Updates
When we went to the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival last year, we got to hear a really awesome melodic death metal band called My Missing Half. Because we care about letting you know about cool bands, we told you a bit about ’em right after and now, we...
by Bram Teitelman | May 4, 2015 | News, Premieres, Video
[youtube][/youtube] When we were in town last month for the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, we got to hang out with some of New England’s more popular regional bands. Among them was My Missing Half, a Boston-based melodic...