by Bram Teitelman | May 31, 2012 | New Music
We’ve been plenty psyched about The Night Flight Orchestra, the classic rock-ish band that features Soilwork’s Bjorn “Speed” Strid and Arch Enemy bassist Sharlee D’Angelo. If Thin Lizzy, Deep Purple and the Scorpions had a baby with...
by Zach Shaw | May 17, 2012 | Collaborations
Earlier this week, our buds at Metal Sucks discovered something pretty cool: The Night Flight Orchestra, featuring none other than Soilwork singer Björn “Speed” Strid and Arch Enemy bassist Sharlee D’Angelo. Though this project (also featuring members of Mean Streak...
by Metal Insider | May 16, 2012 | Unsigned & Streamed
Why should major label bands be the only ones who get love?Unsigned & Streamed is a column where we stream a song from an unsigned band we at Metal Insider really dig. This week, we’re happy to present Lithuania’s Awakening Sun. Formed in the Spring of 2011 by...
by Zach Shaw | Apr 26, 2012 | Video
We’ve seen rehearsal footage of Arch Enemy with new guitarist Nick Cordle (of Arsis fame). Now, we get to see him in a music video with the Swedish metal group. Metal Hammer’s German edition has recently premiered the new music video for Arch Enemy’s “Under Black...
by Metal Insider | Apr 16, 2012 | Top 5
Metal Insider’s Top 5 is a column where we count down the top five of…well basically anything. Recently, both As I Lay Dying and Slayer revealed which producers they’ll be working in the studio soon. At first, these announcements reminded us how crucial of a role the...