Loud Krazy Love, the unconventional documentary about the life of KoRn guitarist Brian “Head” Welch, will be premiered during two film festivals. Next month, the 86-minute film directed by Trey Hill and Scott Mayo will be screened multiple times during the Dallas International Film Festival May 3-10th as well as Nashville Film Festival on May 10th-19th. However, the wide release is expected to arrive sometime this Fall.
The doc shares a story that surpasses Welch’s time with the band as it steps into his personal life – battling with drug addiction, experiencing fatherhood including the complicated relationship with his daughter, Jennea. The production for this documentary took four years as well as unarchiving never-before-seen material from Welch, the band, and his family.
Mayo commented:
“The intimate details of Brian and Jennea’s life during the years he was absent from KoRn are turbulent. ‘Loud Krazy Love’ is really a backstage pass to heartache and triumph. You don’t have to be a KoRn fan to empathize with Brian’s decision to sacrifice all his success in an attempt to be a good father.”
Welch shared the following in the film:
“The day Jennea was born was like the most euphoric, miraculous, unconditional love — like total purity in the room. But, I think deep down inside of me, I knew I was incapable of being what she needed and deserved.”
The guitarist expressed his gratitude:
“In my life I’ve done so many things I regret and wish that I could change. It can feel haunting. But seeing my entire life with KoRn and my family play out before my eyes in this film, and seeing the positive that has come from my most embarrassing and devastating failures — there are no words to express my gratitude. Our team created a very special film here, and I can’t wait for the world to see it.”
Hill added:
“This film explores the way we, as human beings, need each other — warts and all. In that way, I believe every dad, mom or teenager that sees the movie will walk out feeling hopeful that the pain they’ve experienced or the hurt they feel guilty for causing won’t be wasted. There’s a purpose, restoration is possible, and if we hang in there the people we care for most can be healed.”