Season two of the Paranormal show, The Osbournes Want To Believe premiered last night (22nd) on the Travel Channel. The show finds paranormal investigator Jack Osbourne along with his parents, Ozzy and Sharon, as the trio investigate paranormal activity much to the skepticism of Ozzy and Sharon. Will Jack be able to finally convince his parents that ghosts are real? Will the “Prince of Darkness” become a believer? Find out in the wacky supernatural adventure with the Osbournes.

Jack had this to say about the new season,

“My parents have always lived on the edge, even when it comes to believing in the supernatural,” said Jack. “I’m convinced they just haven’t seen enough evidence, so I’m making them watch the most undeniable footage caught on camera, including a few from my own personal experiences. My biggest challenge may be keeping their comments family friendly. It will be a classic Osbourne gathering!”



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Mark Zapata