Facebook has officially deleted Trapt’s Facebook account, and we’re not surprised. For quite some time, frontman Chris Taylor Brown has made headlines, and their new album, Shadow Work, wasn’t the main focus. Instead, Brown has been expressing his devotion to President Donald Trump by sharing offensive comments, creating a dramatic scene in recent months supporting far-right wing conspiracy theories and misleading information. It appears the social media platform had its last straw when the band shared an image showing the silhouette of a “Proud Boy” holding Lady Liberty with the phrase “Don’t Worry Girl, We Got You.” This post also attacked Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, claiming the platforms promote censorship by expressing they are only used for “escape, distraction, and lies.” Ultimately, the post was about the band moving away from Facebook and going to Parler, a new social media platform founded in 2018 as Wikipedia describes:

“Parler has a significant user base of Trump supporters, conservatives, and right-wing extremists. Posts on the service often contain far-right content, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories.”


According to a recent Tweet from Trapt’s Twitter, Brown will be suing Facebook:

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Zenae Zukowski