We recently saw the return of Maryland Deathfest last month during Memorial Day Weekend. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when a 24-year-old fan Axel James Markel took his own life by jumping off a parking structure at the beginning of the festival. A GoFundMe has since been launched to help cover his memorial expenses, which currently exceed $11,000. 


Organizers of the page, shared the following:

“Hello! you may or may not know me- but you most likely know Pinky, or Gail. Her beautiful son, Axel James Markel, tragically took his own life on Friday at the Maryland death metal Deathfest. And it’s been difficult on her and unexpectedly put a strain on the family. Anything you can do to assist this family in their time of stress and need is beyond greatly appreciated.”


Maryland Deathfest organizers have issued the following statement on Facebook addressing this horrific loss:


“As many of you know, a tragedy occurred just outside one of the venues on Friday, 5/27. Like many others, this has been very difficult for us to process, and we don’t think we’ll ever fully process it. Our thoughts and condolences are with those that knew Axel and/or those that have been traumatized by this. If you need help, please do not hesitate to reach out to friends or family to talk it out. You are never alone. National Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255”


You can donate at this location

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Zenae Zukowski